Here’s to five+ more decades of feminist publishing!


Dear friends of FP,

We are humbled by the support we received from our Feminist Press family last week in celebration of Florence Howe’s birthday and her life’s work. Thank you so much for your generosity, your care, and your community.

Tomorrow, FP’s board chair Linda Villarosa will virtually accept the Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Book Critics Circle Awards ceremony, introduced by our dear friend and former executive director Jamia Wilson. You can pick up a free ticket (or support our friends at NBCC with a donation) here. We’d love to see you there.

But first, consider making a donation to the Feminist Press! With your help, we’re excited to continue honoring our impressive history while building the future of feminist literature. Each donation we get helps us to pay our hardworking staff and incredible authors, print new and necessary books, and deliver the tools for transformation and social change to readers around the world.

Thank you for going on this journey with us as we celebrated FP’s lifetime. We can’t wait to keep making feminist history with you!

With gratitude,

The Feminist Press staff

Jisu Kim