Wishing a happy birthday to Florence Howe

On March 17, 1929, Feminist Press founder Florence Howe was born in Brooklyn. Today, we celebrate what would have been her ninety-third birthday.

In a time when women’s writing was not being recognized or taught, Florence and her fellow feminist leaders asked crucial questions of the literary world: Where are all the women writers? Whose voices are being heard, and whose are not? How can books help us challenge oppressive systems and create new spaces for change to flourish?

Fifty-two years after Florence founded Feminist Press, our work is still guided by these crucial questions.

Florence’s passion for publishing the narratives that no one else would, her commitment to international feminism, and her dedication to building a community of literary activists continue to motivate and inspire the work we do.

Please join us in honoring Florence Howe’s birthday. Your tax-deductible gift will sustain her dream for a nonprofit press, funded by the people, that publishes the new and necessary feminist literature of today and tomorrow.

In solidarity,

The Feminist Press staff—Margot, Lauren, Jisu, Lucia, Rachel, Nick, Drew, Isla, Nadine, Alisa, SaMya, and Vanessa

To learn more about Florence's life and legacy in her own words, we recommend her memoir A Life in Motion.

Jisu Kim